Keppel Data Centres (Keppel DC)
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Australia Data Centres

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1data centre

  • Gore Hill Data Centre

  • Sydney
    • Broadcast Way
info 1
Strategic Hubs
We have an established presence in key strategic data centre colocation hubs in Australia, such as Sydney and Brisbane
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Advanced Infrastructure
Our data centres boast advanced data centre infrastructure, with reliable power capacity and secure fibre optic networks
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Diverse Colocation Solutions
Our data centres serve as a regional hub for large multinational and regional enterprises across diverse sectors, including ICT, financial and telecommunications industries

Explore Our Projects

projects 2
Gore Hill Data Centre is a four-storey purpose-built Tier III data centre located in Gore Hill Technology Park in Sydney along one of Sydney's main power and data arteries, this data centre enjoys excellent access to large, secure power sources and multiple carrier networks.
Transform Your Enterprise
Get in Touch about how we can meet your business needs.