Keppel Data Centres (Keppel DC)
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We are your Global Trusted Partner for a Sustainable Digital Future

We are committed to sustainability as our business, through creating diverse solutions which are good for the planet, for businesses, and people. Read more about our Sustainability Framework.
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Environmental Stewardship

Keppel Data Centres is committed to environmentally sustainable business practices, focusing on enhancing energy efficiency, reducing carbon footprint in our operations, as well as reducing waste and water consumption intensity. The proactive management of our environmental impact enables us to improve resource efficiency, reduce costs and support the global climate change agenda.

Our data centres are certified under international standards such as the ISO 50001 energy management system and the Singapore Standard for Green Data Centres. We continuously adopt more sustainable building designs and materials in the development of new projects. We also invest into the use of energy-efficient technologies, such as upgrading to LED lighting, replacement of DX systems with chilled water systems and activating required CRAC units based on running IT load.

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Responsible Business

We believe in long-term sustainability and continue to engage in strong corporate governance, ensuring transparency and long-term reliability to our clients.

We believe it is also our responsibility to drive innovation in developing greener solutions. Capitalising on the strengths of the Keppel Group, we have invested into revolutionary transformative innovations such as the Floating Data Centre Park and High-rise data centre that aim to alleviate the land, water and energy constraints of traditional data centres.

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People and Community

As a global citizen, Keppel believes that as communities thrive, we thrive. We work closely with partners to lead initiatives that conserve biodiversity and promote climate action, with the goal of building a sustainable future together.

Our global data centre teams regularly volunteer in environmental protection activities such as the planting of saplings, beach cleaning and the creation of safe habitats for bees.